Let's Enjoy A Vacuum Tube Amp DIY!


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Welcame the vacuum tube amp DIY world!

Many people have assumed that vacuum tubes can only be used at high voltage when I chat with a variety of people and vacuum tubes. Therefore, many people have an image that vacuum tubes are not easy to use. As a result, the vacuum tube will fall into a situation where it will not be used anymore by their hobby. I feel it sad and "MOTTAINAI".
Major vacuum tube products such as guitar amps etc. are manufactured steadily and are still in circulation. Meanwhile, old vacuum tubes and tiny vacuum tubes that are outdated have been discontinued, but there are still many. Currently, although the vintage gets high, most of the old vacuum tubes that can still be used like this will be thrown away as scraps rapidly and in large quantities. A part of these vacuum tubes there is also a vacuum tube that can be used like listening to music while enjoying the shape of the vacuum tube. In short, this site has decided to introduce a case example of check operations that vacuum tubes can be used even with low voltage power supply so as not to lower the motivation to use vacuum tubes by electronic DIY work.
Mainly, as a power supply voltage, I introduce a case of 24 VDC to 48 VDC. However, since the voltage of the heater power supply of the vacuum tube is originally low, it is separately covered with SW power supply etc. The power supply for the plate electrode of the vacuum tube is supplied from the heater power supply with an isolated DCDC converter. We introduce the examples to show what can be done easily in a temporary environment using a breadboard, taking advantage of the low supply voltage.








MEMO::Interchangeable tube

(C)2019-2022,NERD.JP, Xenoverse Audio Lab.